Christian Education in the Episcopal Church is seen as part of a holistic view of Christian formation, centered in Baptism and shaped by the Holy Eucharist.

 Whether in a classroom setting, intergenerational gathering, or worship, the themes of gathering, story, prayer, sharing, and going out form the basis of education. Each congregation discerns what curricula and programs best suit its context and need for educating all ages, with the Baptismal Covenant a model for learning and living out one’s faith in daily life. Education for all ages is grounded in scripture, tradition, and reason. For a brief history of Christian Education in the Episcopal Church, click here.

At St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, we recently turned our focus toward the first four books of the New Testament, commonly known as the Gospels. We are presently working our way through the Book of Mark. Frequently referred to as exegesis, our practice is not to tell students of Christian Education what to think but how to think critically. For example, we often explore the context and history of the period in which the Gospels were written in order to better understand what the authors hoped for the people of their time to hear and/or learn. Rarely are there “wrong” answers. Frequently, there are lively discussions. Always, there is respect for one another’s opinions.

Adult Education

Each Sunday morning adult education takes place in the parish hall from 9:00 – 9:45.


We study various books of the bible, contemporary books, and commentaries with the goal of growing in our faith in Jesus.

Children’s Sunday School

Our Children’s Sunday School is open to ages 3-12. We meet at 9 a.m. on the same schedule as adult Christian education in the parish hall, in the atrium in the education building.

We currently use curriculum from Catechesis of the Good Shephard. Our goal is to is to nurture the spiritual lives of our children and to help them experience a sense of wonder and God’s love. Adults are always welcome to sit in with their kiddos or grandkids.